Chimney caps: Is your chimney protected?

The top of your chimney opens to the outside, meaning it is fully exposed to all of the elements, debris and wandering animals. That is, unless your chimney is topped with a secure chimney cap in good repair.

About your chimney cap

Chimney-Caps-Is-Your-Chimney-Protected-Cincinnati-OH-Chimney-Care-Co-w800-h800Your chimney cap sits at the very top of your chimney. Usually attached by a metal cage, the chimney cap covers the opening of your chimney’s flue. Chimney caps come in all shapes and sizes and can be made from a variety of materials. Chimney caps serve a variety of functions.

Because they serve as a rooftop to your chimney, they prevent water from pouring down the walls of your flue and damaging your chimney liner, firebox, damper and chimney doors. Chimney caps play such a vital role in protecting your chimney system from water, the Chimney Safety Institute of America has dubbed them the cheapest and most effective way to protect your chimney from water damage.

Chimney caps also keep animals and debris out of your chimney. Without a chimney cap, leaves and branches can make their way into your flue, as can nesting animals or wayward birds. Blocked chimneys can cause many problems. They can force smoke and carbon monoxide back into your home. They can pose a fire risk. Animals that become trapped can cause an unpleasant smell and can require professional removal.

Chimney caps also can withstand high winds and help prevent strong bursts of wind from forcing their way down your chimney, chilling your home and potentially filling it with smoke. A chimney cap that is surrounded by fine wire mesh can help keep your rooftop safe. Without the mesh, burning embers can jump out of your flue and pose a fire hazard to your rooftop.

Determining whether you need a new chimney cap

Most chimney caps are made from copper or stainless steel. They are durable, and many come with lifetime warranties. Chimney caps can become disrupted or dislodged. Your chimney sweep should examine your chimney cap during your annual cleaning and inspection to make sure your chimney cap is free from any damage and firmly in place. You also may determine that you need a new chimney cap if you’ve noticed rust running down the sides of your chimney, or water or debris making its way into your flue.

If you need a new chimney cap, The Chimney Care Company can help. Our chimney experts can inspect your current chimney cap and chimney and provide you with your chimney cap options. We offer chimney caps in different metals, different sizes and different styles. You can choose a chimney cap that blends seamlessly into your chimney or one that adds style to your roofline. If you need a new chimney cap, or feel your chimney cap needs to be inspected, call us today!

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Chimney Care Company | 413 Wards Corner Road, Loveland, Ohio 45140