Maintaining Your Fireplace Safely
Fire Prevention Tips
Building a fire in the fireplace is a great way to enjoy a winter night, but many homeowners have had that experience turn into a catastrophic situation. If a fireplace and chimney are not properly used and maintained, you put yourself at risk. There are a few simple tips that any homeowner can follow to make sure that their fire remains in the fireplace.

One way to maximize your safety is to only burn dry, seasoned wood. Wet or green wood produces excess creosote, which is highly flammable.
Getting Started
Before using the fireplace for the first time each season, it is a good idea to check the batteries in the smoke detectors. This is something that all homeowners should be doing every month anyway but it is especially important during the winter season. No matter how careful a person is, accidents can still happen and it is important to be prepared. Knowing about the beginning of a fire as soon as possible is the best way to minimize the damage.
Cleaning Out Creosote
Another important thing to remember is that a fireplace and chimney must be kept clean if they are going to function properly. This is why most homeowners opt to have a licensed chimney sweep clean out their chimney at least once a year. A chimney sweep is equipped to deal with things such as creosote, a dangerous chemical compound that is often left behind after a fire. Creosote, as well as other materials often found in chimneys, is extremely flammable and has been known to start many chimney fires.
What Not to Do
When there is a fire blazing in the fireplace, it can be tempting to throw in material that has been lying around and is need of disposal. However, only material intended for burning in a fireplace should be placed into the flame. This means only treated coal and properly seasoned hardwoods. Using anything else could not only damage the structure of the fireplace, but it could start a blaze that quickly gets out of control. Be sure to keep a screen around the fireplace so that children cannot throw in toys or other unwanted materials.
Invest in a Chimney Cap
Many chimney fires start as a result of a blockage that prevents smoke and other combustible gasses from properly exiting the fireplace. This blockage may be caused by leaves that make their way into the chimney or by animals that decide to use it as their home. A chimney cap is a small, simple structure that goes on top of the chimney and prevents these things from entering the chimney. It is a small investment that makes a big difference.
Have Your Chimney Inspected
The most important thing a homeowner can do for their chimney and fireplace is to have it inspected each year by a licensed chimney inspector. This is the only way to get a good look inside of the flue and see if there are any issues on the horizon. Catching potential chimney problems in the early stages can make the repairs less costly and can also decrease the risk of danger to the home.
Having a fireplace in the home is a great perk for a homeowner who knows how to properly use and maintain it. Annual inspections are a necessity as well as keeping the flue and fireplace as clean as possible. Installing a chimney cap is a great way to make sure that all flammable material can leave the fireplace as it should.