Ew! Why does my chimney smell?
Inside every chimney, there’s a dirty secret: Chimney odor. All chimneys smell, but under normal circumstances, chimney smells draft up and out of the chimney. From time to time, however, homeowners are stuck with foul odors from their chimney invading their homes. Chimney odor drafting down into your home can be embarrassing and frustrating. Fortunately, you don’t have to live with chimney owner.
What is that smell?
The first step in ridding your home of chimney odor is to identify the cause of the chimney odor. There are a few common culprits for chimney odor, and depending on the nature of the smell, you might be able to determine a likely cause. Common chimney odors include:
- A burning smell. A burning or smoky smell is one of the most common chimney odors. When smoke travels up your chimney, it deposits creosote on the chimney walls. That creosote comes with a smoky smell, or even an acrid smell when it comes into contact with moisture. Even clean chimneys can fall victims from creosote odors because the odor is absorbed by the porous chimney masonry.
- A damp smell. Musty, damp odors also commonly eschew from chimneys. Whether it’s due to a missing chimney cap, a crack in the chimney, damaged flashing or simply water being absorbed by the masonry materials, mold and mildew can form in the chimney, causing this unpleasant odor.
- A rotting smell. One of the foulest smells that can enter your home through the chimney is the smell of decomposition. From time to time, birds or animals can make their way into chimneys and become trapped. Or, animals who make their homes within the chimney might leave behind nesting materials, waste or prey. When these decompose in the chimney, the odor can be truly terrible.
How do you get rid of chimney odor?
When your chimney stinks, you don’t have to live with the smell. There are a few steps you should take to get rid of the chimney odor. Some strategies for alleviating chimney odor include:
- Having your chimney swept and inspected. The first step to eliminating chimney odor is to have your chimney swept and inspected. The sweeping with clear away any debris that could be causing odors, and the inspection will locate any other problems — such as leaks or poor drafts — that could contribute.
- Protect your chimney from water. Nearly all chimney odors are made worse by moisture, and some chimney odors have moisture as their root cause. Repair chimney leaks or faulty flashing, make sure you have a sturdy chimney cap covering your chimney flue and consider having your chimney waterproofed to prevent water absorption.
- Address drafting issues. If chimney odor is a chronic problem in your home, it might have to do with poor chimney drafting or an air-tight home. To truly solve chimney odor in your home, you have to be sure that air is flowing up and out of your chimney rather than being drawn back in.
What do I do if my chimney smells?
You don’t have to suffer from foul chimney smells in your home. If you’re experiencing unpleasant odors in your home, call The Chimney Care Co. to schedule an appointment — we can help solve your chimney odor problems!